Sunday, 2 January 2011

Ranking Stats

Dear Crewbies (especially Officers+),

Puzzles include:
- Swordfighting
- Bilging
- Carpentry
- Sailing
- Rigging
- Gunning
- Navigation
- Battle Navigation
- Rumble
- Treasure Haul

In case you cannot access our Crew Page due to any reasons, please rank new crew members according to this statistics rubrics, fitting 3 criteria (EXPERIENCE / SHIPPING / RATING / TRUST).

Cabin Person - Punishment Rank

Pirate - Welcoming Rank
EXPERIENCE: (No requirement)
SHIPPING: (No requirement)
RATING: (No requirement)
TRUST: (No requirement)

Officer - Pillaging Rank
EXPERIENCE: 2 or more broads / Neophyte+ Bnaving Stats
SHIPPING: (No requirement)
RATING: 1 Master+ Rank
TRUST: 5 day membership [as pirate]

Fleet Officer - Controller Rank
EXPERIENCE: 4 or more broads / Broad+ Bnaving Stats
SHIPPING: 1 ship
RATING: 2 Master+ Ranks
TRUST: 15 day membership [5 as pirate, 10 as Officer]

Senior Officer - Trustee Rank (must have Solid+ Bnaving Stats)
EXPERIENCE: 6 or more broads (one must be Bnaving)
SHIPPING: 2 ships
RATING: 3 Master+ ranks
TRUST: 30 day membership [5 as pirate, 10 as Officer, 15 as Fleet Officer]

Captain - My Rank (don't steal - haha)

Welcome Crewbies!

Dear Crewbies,

Welcome all crew members to our website! This is a place for all to gather together, to share views regarding any topic.

If you need someone to talk to, just post on the blog; we'll console you when you're sad, and encourage you when you're down, and share you joy when you're happy. We'll help you out, no matter what you've encountered. If you want to have some fun, we'll tag along (of course, if you need us).

So I'll just like to say, "When you need us, we'll be there."

Wishing all a Happy New Year!

Best Regards,
Yer Captain of "Against All Odds"