Sunday, 2 January 2011

Ranking Stats

Dear Crewbies (especially Officers+),

Puzzles include:
- Swordfighting
- Bilging
- Carpentry
- Sailing
- Rigging
- Gunning
- Navigation
- Battle Navigation
- Rumble
- Treasure Haul

In case you cannot access our Crew Page due to any reasons, please rank new crew members according to this statistics rubrics, fitting 3 criteria (EXPERIENCE / SHIPPING / RATING / TRUST).

Cabin Person - Punishment Rank

Pirate - Welcoming Rank
EXPERIENCE: (No requirement)
SHIPPING: (No requirement)
RATING: (No requirement)
TRUST: (No requirement)

Officer - Pillaging Rank
EXPERIENCE: 2 or more broads / Neophyte+ Bnaving Stats
SHIPPING: (No requirement)
RATING: 1 Master+ Rank
TRUST: 5 day membership [as pirate]

Fleet Officer - Controller Rank
EXPERIENCE: 4 or more broads / Broad+ Bnaving Stats
SHIPPING: 1 ship
RATING: 2 Master+ Ranks
TRUST: 15 day membership [5 as pirate, 10 as Officer]

Senior Officer - Trustee Rank (must have Solid+ Bnaving Stats)
EXPERIENCE: 6 or more broads (one must be Bnaving)
SHIPPING: 2 ships
RATING: 3 Master+ ranks
TRUST: 30 day membership [5 as pirate, 10 as Officer, 15 as Fleet Officer]

Captain - My Rank (don't steal - haha)

1 comment:

  1. Of course, if there are any parts which are unclear, please inform me (Maxouse) on Puzzle Pirates, or my alternate Senior Officer (Maxousetoo) - who is also me.

    There are of course exceptions, for example: if he/she is a person with extremely good stats, you might want to give him/her a Fleet Officer as a tryout, as he/she might help boost our crew's fame, morale and unity.
